Week 5 Intimacy in the digital world




As millions of people grapple with isolation in a pandemic, those who live alone face a particular kind of solitude. People feel lonely and want to engage in intimate social interactions and relationships more than at any time. Even before the Pandemic, in fact, the Health Resources and Services Administration reveals that one in five Americans say they’re socially isolated, That’s 65.4 million people.

Laura Freeman

But in this digital world, human intimate interaction becomes harder and harder. People are used to hiding behind the screen because they’re fearful that they might reveal too much. At the same time, the needs of love and belonging are in human nature.

Simply Psychology Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

How might we help people build intimate connections in the digital world?


  • People who dating online
  • People who have a long-distance relationship


  • What’s virtual dating looks like today?
  • What’s a perfect offline dating for people?
  • What’s the gap between online dating and offline dating?

Competitive analysis

