Week 04 Big change for my thesis

Nov 3, 2020


After I started to talk to users, I realize sex education is not an easy topic. I’ve known it’s a serious topic, but the more I talked to people, the more I realize the capacity of design is limited. There are two main reasons I changed my topic:

  • bridging parents and children for sex ed maybe not necessary

Users from any cultural background have all mentioned that they do not want to talk too much about sex with their parents. It’s so awkward. If the school or other platforms can offer a better education for them, it’s not necessary to emphasize the connection between parents and children talking about sex.

  • extremely hard to find users to interview and test

Sex is taboo to talk about in public for a lot of people, especially for children!!! It’s super weird talking about sex to kids. I can imagine how hard it gonna be in the future when I have to test every step of my design to users. Maybe I will pick this topic up when I have enough resources.

