01 Five thoughts on the Thesis

4 min readOct 6, 2020


I imagined so many ways to start my thesis, but I never expected to initiate it during the pandemic quarantine with an extremely chaotic time. The thesis project will last for one year. I came out followed five ideas to start this long journey. The only thing I want to achieve from this project is when I look back next year, I will proud of it.

1.Time perception

You can imagine how different you feel when you working out and when you are playing a video game for both 10 minutes. How might we manipulate time perception by using interaction design to help people manage their life?


How Time Perception Impacts Interaction Design

Effect of Exercise-Related Factors on the Perception of Time

Powers of 10: Time Scales in User Experience

2.How can AR empower human communication

This is another lesson in my life. It took me one year to realize I should say do I make sense rather than do you understand? Sometimes my English is really rude or wordy without intention. I simply translate whatever Chinese in my mind to English with my poor vocabulary.

Additionally, communication is not all about language, It’s also including many other aspects like body language, tone, manner, etc.


Language and Communication: They Are Two Different Things

These AR Smart Glasses Could Be the Future of Multilingual Live Translation

Eight Essential Components of Communication

3. Sex education for the next generation

We have so many opportunities to find a mentor to learn language, design, finance… Do you ever hear about a sex education mentor? If you name only one thing the visual world can’t do, that’s sex. We live in a sexual culture that’s really uncomfortable talking about sex. But it’s or big or small but definitely part of our life, and affect your intimate relationship all the time. How might we give the new generation a platform to learn sex and help them build the right value?


The New Sex Ed | Samantha Bushman | TEDxPittsburgh

We live in a sexual culture that’s really uncomfortable talking about sex. Teenagers want a late-night heartfelt conversation with their parents about what they want their relationship to be and what they want their children’s sex experience would be like. But unfortunately, it never happened. In the United States, only 22 states require sex education be taught at all, and of those states, only 13 states sex ed needs to be medically technically or factually accurate. None of them teach children how important sex life will be in part of their future life. For kids to make informed responsible choices about their relationships and sexual health, they really need sexual development to be addressed in the home and in the classroom. The united states have the highest rates of teen pregnancy, unintended pregnancy, abortion, and sexually transmitted infections among all nations in the western industrialized world. 1/4 of teenage girls are currently walking around with a sexually transmitted infection. 1/3 of kids involving in a dating relationship will experience verbal emotional physical or sexual abuse from a partner.

Sex Education for the Next Generation — First Times

4.How to help people build their credit in the USA

One year ago, I came to new york. I started knowing there is a credit score in the USA. But I don’t really understand it. I want to apply for a credit card, but I don’t have a social security number to apply it. How can I build my credit? The story goes on and I got a credit card… The fact is I still don’t know what’s the credit for?


Credit score in the United States

How Credit Impacts Your Life

5.How Health Informatics Transforms the Insurance Industry

Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. Essentially a game of probability. Insurance companies have access to a treasure trove of health data gleaned from policyholders’ billing claims, health assessments, wellness programs, lab readings, medications, family history, and more. Even from your daily record in your phone…A large amount of data brings a probability infinitely close to a predictable certainty. Then where the insurance company will go?


How Health Informatics Transforms the Insurance Industry

